November 26, 2011, the eCampus system hosted by Desire2Learn will be ugraded from version 9.1 to 9.4. This change will enable increased functionality and improvements. The system will be unavailable from 8:00 am to 6:00 pm. Once updated, users will not notice a major a difference in the way eCampus operates. However, there are a few enhancements and new tools to consider.
- The Calendar tool has been redesigned. There are several new views available including Agenda View and Schedule View. Also, instructors can now add content to the calendar entries.
- The Dropbox tool has a redesigned Leave Feedback interface to show both submissions and space to grade the submissions in one page. You can also now view specific document types in your browser without downloading them. Documents are available as text only or as a document image (which prevents selecting text)
- The News tool has a new workflow for posting. Instructors can set News items as Draft, Published, and Scheduled. When a news item is published, it will be visible to students and can generate events for notifications to be sent.
- The Profile tool now contains options to add links to Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and LinkedIn accounts.
- Notifications - Users can now have more information delivered to them through RSS, email or text messaging. Users can subscribe to receive email or SMS notifications for dropbox folders with approaching end dates. Notification preferences are accessible from the My Settings widget.
- Feel free to continue working on your courses, as current courses will remain “as is” after the upgrade.
- The same steps can be used for creating items in Content, Dropbox, Discussions, Quizzes, Grades, Surveys.
- Instructional Support will continue support for eCampus and provide training for the new system.
- Self-Help materials will be made available for all functional changes that will guide you through what you need to accomplish specific tasks.
- Want to try out some of the new features? Look for the Sandbox Login area on the right after logging into eCampus.
11/04/2011 - eCampus Availability Thanksgiving Weekend